
Alabama Signers of Grover Norquist Pledge

Many thanks to Frederica Cade for publishing this list! 
See her page for the complete US listing of all the politicians who signed the Norquist Pledge.

Gov. Robert J. Bentley
Atty. Gen. Luther Strange
Treas. Young Boozer
Sec. of State Beth Chapman

7 Senators of 35
Paul Bussman (S-4)
Jerry Fielding (S-11)
Rusty Glover (S-34)
Jimmy W. Holley (S-31)
Paul Sanford (S-7)
Clay Scofield (S-9)
Tom Whatley (S-27)

15 House members of 105
Daniel Boman (H-16)
Duwayne Bridges (H-38)
Greg Canfield (H-48)
Steve Clouse (H-93)
Craig Ford (H-28)
Steve Hurst (H-35)
Wes Long (H-27)
Jay Love (H-74)
Mary Sue McClurkin (H-43)
John H. Merrill (H-62)
Barry Moore (H-91)
Bill Roberts (H-13)
Mark M. Tuggle (H-81)
Lesley Vance (H-80)
Kurt Wallace (H-42)

Alabama US Senators and Reps

Sen Jeff Sessions (R)
Sen Richard Shelby (R)
Spencer Bachus (R)
Jo Bonner (R) AL-D 1
Martha Roby (R)  AL-D 2
Mike Rogers (R) AL-D 3
Robert Aderholt (R)AL-D 4
Mo Brooks (R)  AL-D 5
Spencer Bachus (R)

“If Grover Norquist is more powerful than the President of the United States and the Congress, he should run for president. Grover Norquist should be examined into. Where does he get his money…I mean, it’s time now to peel all the layers of onion off of Grover Norquist. Anytime anybody else gets this “famous and powerful,” like, whoever it is, whether it’s the president or whoever it is when you’re in this spotlight, you want to dig in. Where does he get his money, where does it come from, how much does he make, how many people you got on the payroll, what does he do, where does he get his money. Who is he a slave to? Somewhere that needs to come out very soon, because when a guy is this powerful, you want to dig deep in the root … I’m talking about where does he get his scratch and how does he terrify people…”--former Wyoming republican Senator Alan Simpson-August 2011

October 22, 2011:
"Alabama Governor Robert Bentley Won't Raise Education Taxes"
''No tax increases," Bentley said in an interview after speaking to the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce. ''We just made a commitment to the people of Alabama that we were not going to propose tax increases, and we're going to live up to that."
Correction governor, you made a commitment to Grover Norquist before you took your Oath of Office and made any promises to Alabama. It's beginning to make sense now how a long-shot candidate such as yourself really made it into the highest office of Alabama.