Shelby County Economic & Industrial Development Authority Press Release November 2007
"Shelby County Looks Decade Ahead To Shed Commuter Image"
......"We have a number of people who drive through Shelby County every day to go to work," County Manager Alex Dudchock said. "If some of those trips end just west of the Coosa River on U.S. 280 in the Harpersville and Vincent areas, he said, those are cars eliminated from the congestion equation."
"Shelby County's greatest disadvantage in the development of industry is its high employment", he said. "Fewer people are unemployed in Shelby County than anywhere in Alabama."
"However, we have an educated population, and they make it attractive," Dudchock said. "To be fully employed is to some industries an impediment, but when you add our drive-through potential we do have an employment base."
Efforts will be concentrated along the two major commuter corridors, he said, particularly in the eastern area of the county.
(Where's Vincent folks? The eastern area of the county.)
The county already is talking, through Dudchock and the Shelby County Economic and Industrial Development Authority, to major landowners regarding potential partnerships in developing sites ranging from 100 acres to 1,500 acres.
(What's the size of WRQ property again? Oh, that's right 886 acres)
"We don't want to name names yet," Dudchock said, "because we aren't that close to an agreement. However, I think we will be able to make these private entities understand that a partnership with Shelby County in creating more good jobs here is a win-win situation."
(Not naming names is exactly how WRQ got their property under the guise of Bio fuels, then later admitted it had to be that way or the public would have resisted the quarry)
"Now that we have the people, we need places for them to shop and to work," said County Commission Chairman Joel Bearden.
"I am definitely for this. This is not money we are spending," Bearden said. "This is money we are investing.'
"My idea when I first came in as chairman", Bearden said, "was to go over around 280 on the south side of the mountain where there is plenty of room. This is truly an investment in and for Shelby County."
So, exactly what "industry in the eastern section of the county" were you two gentlemen referring to?
Mr. Bearden, Shelby County D. A. Robert Owens, Jr. and others are recipients of a "quarry trust" set up in 1968 by Joel Bearden, Sr. to profit on mined land sold from the Bearden Family Partnership to Vulcan Materials in Helena.
There is a 48 year lease (2016 expiration date) on some of the remaining, contiguous land that receives a percentage of rock tonnage profits as well as 150,000.00 "every two quarry years" according to the lease agreements.
These documents are located in the Shelby County Tax Accessor records and show that through Mr. Bearden's partnership and interest with mining in Shelby County he is incapable of an unbiased opinion because of the obvious conflict of interest.
Mr. Bearden wields a lot of influence in Shelby County and is more than likely involved in all mining operations and decisions made regarding their location.
The appointment of Alex Dudchock was one of controversy .
Since Mr. Bearden was one of the County Commission members who was involved in appointing Mr. Dudchock, one should think about why he wanted him in such an influential and powerful position as the County Manager is.
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