
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

EPA Raids JeffCo Sewer Board for CWA Violations

(Click title for story)
Finally the EPA starts showing some backbone; Houston, Texas, West Virginia and now Jefferson County, Alabama. Shelby County, Alabama needs to be next on their list with all the continued violations and complete lack of oversight from the ADEM and the county.

Perhaps some files and a long list of numerous violations will help that along. This county has no business issuing a single SWM permit to a mud puddle with its current non-compliant status let alone a massive quarry like Vincent Hills.

They don't care about anything but more money rolling in, to hell with the environment and federal requirements. 

Comrade Dudchock stated in a story from 2009 regarding the EPA audit of the county; "We have had some good conversations with the EPA. They like what we are doing and what we are going to do."

Really? Which part of the flaunting of EPA requirements exactly do they like?

That is not what their audit said in any shape or form and he knows it.

One inspector was so indifferent that the EPA auditor noted that he did not even get out of his vehicle with the EPA enforcement officer right there with him.

Question; How do you properly inspect a site from your car?

Answer; You don't.

1 comment:

  1. Shelby County will never survive the current power structure if it doesn't change in the next two or three years.
    What made the county attractive at one time is slowly but surely being undone.
    It seems as if the great amount of revenue that comes in is viewed as Columbiana's personal enterprise to use as the chosen few see fit.
    The court system is corrupt as is the local power realm.
    It has got to stop.


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