
Friday, December 17, 2010

Left In Alabama Previews A New Look For Alabama Governor-elect Bentley

Filed under damn funny

The folks over at LIA have provided us with a much needed laugh. (Applause!)

Best dressed Mule in Alabama (matching feedbag coming soon.)

 We'll have some more to say on Dame Bentley's doings and appointments a little bit later on.
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  1. Ain't he purty?
    This new administration is already nauseating beyond the pale.

  2. I have feedbags for much less. And better mules.

  3. Is there anyone in this new administration who is not 6 days away from Geritol?

  4. Bentley is SOS and a continuation of the liar in thief Riley. New day my left foot.

  5. Bentley is a dinosaur from the old days of the south and everything that goes along with that that's best left in the past. There is nothing new and innovative about this man. He's a specter from the past.

  6. I think that I shall never see
    A mule so lovely as a Bentley

    How much for the matching feedbag, about $10,000 or so?


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