
Friday, May 27, 2011

HBO Films: Too Big to Fail

A film that depicts the corporatist tsunami of propaganda that has made America the most messaged country in the world while revealing the incessantly immoral and corrupt underbelly of our entire financial system.

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  1. TBTF makes Gordon Gecko look almost, well, human.
    As if such a thing is possible.
    The government has to contemplate some untangling and get off their tails and enforce the laws on the books for regulation or this will happen again and we may not be so lucky to avert total financial meltdown the next time.

  2. Greed is not good, but it pays well.

  3. Wall Street owns each and everyone of us and thanks to the federal government's refusal to institute oversight and allow obscene grandiose greed to flourish they'll keep that hold with unchecked power.

  4. Makes me wish I had HBO!

  5. Shelby and Bachus are protecting Wall Street. Good to know they are on the side of the regular southern folks isn't it?


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