
Monday, January 3, 2011

AP Article Disputes Gas Drilling Industry Claims That Hydrofracking Wastewater is Safe

Looks like someone has some explaining to do.

Of course we already knew about this but it has been brushed off as "all cases have been unproven" and they (the industry and their enablers including the EPA) have assured us (the public) that the groundwater is not being polluted and our drinking water is "safe."

Fine. Let them drink it and bathe in it instead of our children.

CBS video Pa. "Fracking Fuels Environmental Concerns"

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  1. Indeed they do and I expect the spin masters are busy as we speak.

  2. I'm waiting with baited breath for their crap to come out as damage control.

  3. Excuse me but only two words come to mind; lying bastards!

  4. The gas dogs have a sweet deal;
    1. Claim proprietary protection so they don't have to tell what's in their witches brews.
    2. The EPA and Congress covering for them.
    3. Money to buy off targeted victims who have the misfortune of sitting on gas reserves.
    4. Some of the most powerful lobbyists in WA to carry their water.
    Hell of a deal for them.

  5. Government taking good care of corporate interests AGAIN.

  6. The debate needs to be reframed - not 'yes' or 'no' to shale gas extraction, but whether we as a society care enough to slow things down to learn how to do it with a much less risky process. There is no hurry except for those who want to 'take the money and run' and damn the rest of us - and future generations.
    We need a national moratorium until environmental impact studies are done and more benign processes are designed. The debate should be slow, safe, wise extraction as opposed to fast, risky and greedy.


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