
Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Starlicide"--Hundreds of Birds in Yankton, South Dakota Poisoned by USDA

KTIV reports, video below:
Some had thought 200 starlings found dead in Yankton's Riverside park had frozen to death. But they were actually poisoned on purpose, by the US Department of Agriculture.
The USDA said this is not a "common practice" and they "usually do this in the winter."

It's not common but we usually do it? Come again?

Many people believe the recent bird deaths were due to some sort of poisoning by governmental activities, but this mass killing is the only admittance of government involvement that the media has reported to the public in the current news cycles.

It's not, however, the first incident that the government has admitted to, and it turns out that poisoning Starlings seems to be a pattern of theirs. In fact, they seem to be in the business of animal killing at the urging of the agricultural industry. Environmentalists have been calling for an end to this practice, but their concerns are ignored.
Animals killed in 2009 under USDA programs other than birds:
27,000 beavers, 1700 bobcats, 81,000 coyotes, 2,000 gray foxes, 336 mountain lions, 1900 woodchucks, 130 porcupines, 12,000 raccoons, 20,000 squirrels, 30,000 wild pigs, 478 wolves and the "unintentional" poisoning of one Bald Eagle.
Starlicide is the primary poison (there are others) developed specifically for this "practice" that's been instituted to appease farmers and Big Ag and is supposedly "necessary" in the name of public health--the USDA claims the "bird droppings in agricultural feed are a health risk."

But the components of the poison, they claim, are not.
Starlicide (manufactured by Purina Mills)
Chemical Name
3-chloro-p-toluidine hydrochloride 
Other Names
3-chloro-4-methyl benzylnamine hydrochloride, CPTH, DRC-1339 

A question to consider is this: If we spread chicken manure on fields as fertilizer then what is in the starling's waste that is so harmful? Poison from the government perhaps?

In January 2009 New Jersey residents cry "It's raining birds!" January 29, 2009 press release from Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr., 6th District NJ, to the USDA requesting an investigation into bird culling in Somerset County, NJ.

A collection of links to stories about the controversial practice of bird culling.

We think this may be the most plausible explanation for part of the recent spate of Aflockalypse events and are not all surprised to find that, as presumed by many sources, the government is most likely the real culprit.

If we could connect the dots, then why couldn't the mainstream media do the same, and present the numerous back stories on this issue instead of going along with the blaming it on such nonsense as fireworks, overeating and birds flying into Semi-trucks? Department of Agriculture probing additional bird deaths in Alabama.
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  1. And who's surprised the government is involved and the media did not tell us about this USDA program in the current rash of avian deaths?

  2. The media is lazy unless they have a political axe to grind, if they do, watch out, they will find out how many times a day you pooped in Pampers as an infant.
    Good sleuthing Max! Am going to cross post this on our networks.

  3. I'm suspicious that they admitted to this. Perhaps an attempt to distract from other bird deaths?
    There's something about admittance that just doesn't sit well with me.

  4. Okay. I fess up.
    I have tried to plow through a flock of blackbirds before and they are as agile as cats!
    No way they flew into any trucks. Nope. Dog won't hunt.

  5. I'm calling PETA right now Spur.

  6. i am sick and tired of what passes for media these days! How hard is it to actually do a little investigative journalism really? Bloggers are usually the only ones who seem to be capable of getting at the truth nowadays.
    The news industries are so absorbed in revenue making they forget what they are supposed to be doing--REPORT THE NEWS NOT TALKING POINTS!

  7. The story is getting attention, but so far it's only the commenters who are on to the real deal.
    Is the media once again covering for the government?

  8. With Monsanto shill Tom Vilsack in at the USDA (thanks so much Obama) they won't end this program. Vilsack is always going to protect Big Ag and Big Ag doesn't want birds in their GM crops.

  9. JACKSON--

    We should have added Vilsack to the article. Thanks for bringing that part of the story up.


  10. So the agriculture industry is in this and the government?
    Why am I not surprised...

  11. intresting blog...

    my blog is:

  12. No Quarry in VincentJanuary 21, 2011 at 8:15 AM

    Okay, flocks of birds are dying everywhere. And I don't buy the excuses of fireworks, truck impacts, etc. The culprit has to be some kind of poison. The only other possible explanation could be that Dick Cheney is out hunting again.

  13. LOL!
    And this is all George Bush's fault too.

  14. I have a friend in Ky who has lost more than one dog to poisoning that tested as the remnants of this poison. It does not go way! That's a BIG LIE!
    The Vet thought the dogs may have come into contact with bird droppings or dead birds and that was 10 years ago!

  15. MSM media is its death rattle and if they want to remain relevant at all they will stop treating independent sources and bloggers as if they were gum on their not well worn shoes.
    Excellent job on this story.

  16. Who needs enemies when you have the US Govt working in nefarious ways to do us in?
    Unbelievable that the MSM didn't go ballistic on this.

  17. Alabama Ag Commish probing hundreds of additional bird deaths in Alabama????
    I guess the truck and windshield guys have been busy...seeing as how all the birds in Alabama are so stupid they fly right into them.
    Sure they do.

  18. What an interesting site you have here!


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