
Monday, January 3, 2011

Master of Disasters: Is Ken Feinberg Changing the Course of Mass Tort Resolution? - Magazine - ABA Journal

Kenneth Feinberg --A man who has too much power and changes the rules in midstream to suit his own course of financial enrichment and whose efforts as a big business protector extraordinaire have earned him a prominent story in the latest ABA Journal.

The inconsistency in paying oil spill claims and consistency in denying others, in addition to drafting one-sided clauses designed solely to limit BP's liabilities are mounting every day and the main reason for that is Feinberg.

This earns him the moniker Sui Generis?

Depends on who you ask doesn't it?

Considering all the bad press he has gotten from his questionable handling of the oil spill claim process you would think that the ABA would be a little less arrogant with this glowing accolade of an article to Feinberg's ability.

But that's a lot to ask of lawyers. Humility that is.

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  1. Humility in the same sentence as lawyer is an oxymoron.

  2. Alabama's senators have been largely silent on Feinberg, wonder why?
    Oh that's right, they're both lawyers too!

  3. Feinberg was carefully chosen to head the claims process and this article clearly demonstrates why. I find it nauseating that gaming the system and screwing everyday people is the basis for genius, but what else should we expect from the briefcased crooks in suits?

  4. I have to wonder if the writer of this article had to change his pants from the tingle that must have set his leg trembling as he wrote it.
    Pure propaganda piece.


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