
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alabama's "Disappearing Oil" Continues to Wash Ashore--WKRG-TV

Hiding in plain site are dirty reminders that the effects of the BP Spill are continuing to come ashore, despite the claims of Alabama's Governor Riley's trumped up commission and the "Roadmap to Resilience" report they recently issued that is full of propaganda and over-sized intentions.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions too Governor.

In their zeal to look important and raid the federal funds that will be directed at Alabama for post oil spill recovery, probably for more road building, this commission and its lead hawker, Bob Riley, continue to deny (lie) to the public what the real truth is.

WKRG has stayed on top of this issue and we applaud their efforts.

Press Release from the USGS January 4, 2011

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  1. This "commission" is nothing more than a license to steal and steer plum projects to their buddies.

  2. the media has abandoned this story even though it continues to be a story. someone has done a hell of a job leaning on the big media to just not talk about it anymore.

  3. I am so sick of the lies that everything if just hunky dorey down here!
    NO IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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