
Thursday, January 6, 2011

KNAU: Uranium Mining Proposed Near Grand Canyon

"Arizona Department of Environmental Quality interim director Henry Darwin admits that they are streamlining the permit process. And that means Denison will not have to monitor the aquifers until inspectors find contamination and they won't have to set aside money for clean-up until a problem occurs."

Translation: "Let's wait until something goes wrong before we worry about doing anything."

Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That is particularly troubling and dangerous with radioactive mining for very obvious reasons--it takes years for radioactive isotopes to leave the environment.

The industry claims it's "not the mining process that is the threat it's human error," and they downplay the possibility of that occurring even more by touting the most "advanced methods and stringent safety training." That's all fine and good, but what happens when the unexpected happens? 

Especially if you have not prepared for it until it does.

Two words: British Petroleum.

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  1. What's with the big push on all of this dangerous radioactive mining all of a sudden? Must be big money. It always is.

  2. There are countries like Belgium and France that generate 50% or more of their electricity needs through nuclear power.

    What is not talked about widely is the waste generated and the depleted Uranium these facilities create. Depleted Uranium is perhaps the most dangerous substance in the world, because it is deadly and is put to use. Whereas nuclear weapons can wipe out cities, nobody is using them. Depleted Uranium on the other hand is used in the manufacture of ammunition, mostly artillery rounds that turn depleted Uranium in to a fine and deadly dust after impact. We have used them all over the Middle East and doctors are pointing to the insane increase in cancer rates, particularly amongst the children of these countries. What is more, the radioactive properties are damaging the DNA of these people so defects will be passed down from generation to generation. This is genocide.

    If depleted Uranium is manufactured as a byproduct of nuclear energy, the more energy we decide to generate, the more we need to understand our government will use the depleted Uranium in warfare.

    Thus you could argue that depleted Uranium is not nuclear waste since it is put to use. It is valuable and sought after.

    Also here in the United States, with our thoroughly corrupt government, you can predict that companies that privately generate nuclear power will lobby to have controls and oversight weakened thereby setting up the potential for disasters. If a coal fired energy plant exploded, a few people may die. If an American reactor turns in to another Chernobyl, that’s another story. Until we bring the level of corruption down in this country I don’t think we can afford to increase the number of power plants generating electricity. This doesn’t even take in to account the price manipulations that will occur if we approach any kind of nuclear monopoly on electrical energy. The American public will be made to pay dearly either way. First they will be manipulated in to paying for these private reactors, then there will be all sorts of taxes associated with the energy, and then there will be the monthly energy bills.

    That’s what I see.


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