*Updated January 26, 2011
The scoundrel speaks and claims, predictably, he has done nothing wrong and this is all "political sabotage."
The scoundrel speaks and claims, predictably, he has done nothing wrong and this is all "political sabotage."
We just love the part where he is smiling and talking on his cell phone without a care in the world. Arrogant cuss that he is.
WKRG.com News
The Baldwin Watchdog has a rebuttal letter from one of the ethics complaint filers:
Rebuttal to Mayor Tim Kant, Fairhope City Council
January 24, 2011
By Paul F. Ripp
The Mayor’s response at the Fairhope City Council meeting tonight to the Alabama Ethics Commission Complaint, supports the complaint.
First, Mr. Kant explained that nowhere in Alabama law does it say that the city cannot deal with a person, or business that the person owns, if they are an elected official, such as a state senator, or if the business in question is owned by a state senator. This brazen attitude to throw any obvious ethics aside in an attempt to qualify a public servant, is the very root of the problem.
Mr. Kant explained that he was involved May 6th and 7th 2010 in meetings with Governor Riley. Some of these meetings were closed to the public and the press. These meetings dealt with how the BP Oil Disaster funds would be dispersed.
However, on May 8th, a Saturday, Mr. Kant explained that he did not have any city stationary and that is how the Fairhope Mayor’s letter came to be hastily done on a blank sheet of 8.5 x 11 copy paper. This can be found on page 50 of the complaint sent to the Alabama Ethics Commission and copied two over two dozen newspapers and related state and federal agencies.
What Mr. Kant did not explain to the council or the meeting attendees was how this letter on plain paper was not part of any city record, nor was it viewed by any council member until the Ethics Commission Complaint brought this to everyone’s attention.
Read more here
This is the bold attitude of entitlement that runs through Alabama like a slow moving sewer from elected officials and causes the public to wretch when we they are exposed to the full stench of corruption masquerading as business as usual.
*BP Czar Kenneth Feinberg pulled a similar trick and got called on it big time.
*Update--Lagniappe coverage of this issue has "Sham Wow" Pittman backtracking on his arrogance. This is such fun to watch!
*Fairhope Mayor Tim Kant Rant "I think everybody should just get a life."

Trippy boy ain't doing himself any favors acting so cocky. He's got a damn nerve!
ReplyDeleteAnd Riley is getting dirtier and dirtier the more than comes out on this deal.
This is getting more intriguing with each passing day...keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteWhy do so many Alabama politicians have helmet hair? Is it to makes us think they have larger brains?
ReplyDeleteIf these idiots are found innocent of any "wrongdoing" we can safely presume that not one damn thing has changed in this state....not that we have much faith it has anyway, but some still drink the Kool Aid of these holier than thou wolves in republican garb.
ReplyDeleteIt must really suck eggs to live in that area and have a dog like Pittman as your rep.
I feel your pain my coastal brothers and sisters.
If Pitt wanted to give a good impression of himself he failed miserably. He comes across as crass and flippant about the whole thing, like he has a right to whatever he wants.
So far I see Riley, Feinberg, Pittman and select law firms getting all the loot.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the citizens and businesses are mired in red tape and CLAIM DENIED.
Sham Wow...hahahahahhahahaha
ReplyDeleteGreat picture in that article!
Hey Kant you GET A LIFE you jackwagon!!!
ReplyDeleteMayor Kant belongs in shackles with the rest of them, the guilty always defend their own kind.